Hello Each,
WEATHER: Still mixed wet and dry. At the moment gusty winds are forecast for Tuesday. Remember, forecasts change frequently. Always check the local weather outlook before any planned fishing sessions so you are well prepared. Thursday, 10°/5°, cloudy, Friday, 9°/2°, light rain, Saturday, 10°/2°, sunny intervals, Sunday, 10°/5°, showers, Monday, 12°/10°, light rain, Tuesday 15°/8°, showers/gusty winds, Wednesday, 12°/5°, sunny intervals.
Sunday 12th November - Thurlows - Pike Match - 09:30 - 14:30. Please pack up and leave your swim by midnight Saturday 11th November. You can return to fish Sunday after the match has completed. For Safety reasons do not walk the lake until those who have taken part in the match have packed up and left their swims.
Sunday 26th November - Tolpits - Christmas Memorial Rose Bowl - 09:30 - 14:30.
STANLEYS: Fishing steady, with many Carp coming out up to 24lb. Lots of Bream up to 6lb, several Tench and some Perch up to 1lb 5oz. Also several Skimmers.
TOLPITS: It has been a very good month with plenty Carp being caught in the upper and lower doubles, also several named Carp caught. The One Eyed Common has been out on three occasions weighing around 33lb 12oz, Baby Red Cheeks at 32lb on 3 occasions also and Connie at 31lb. Also the Carp match went very well with a total weight of 159lb of Carp. Several Bream to 7lb, Perch to 2lb and a few Tench to 7lb 6oz.
THURLOWS: Also has been fishing well with Bream up to 7lb, and many Carp in the upper double figures. One member had a 32lb Common on a night session and was very excited. Some Tench up to 6lb 6oz, Perch up to 1lb.8oz, Bream up to 8lb, and also plenty of small skimmers, Roach and Rudd.
CASTLES: As always has been fishing very well with Carp up to 11lb, a few Crucian Carp, Perch, Roach, Rudd and several Bream, Now that the weather is getting colder Pike season has started.
RIVER: Sadly no reports this month, please let us know how your sessions go. Autumn is upon us now and the trees are beginning to shed their leaves. There’s a chill in the air in the mornings and the nights are drawing in. The past couple of weeks have seen the temperature average around 15 degrees daytime and 6 degrees at night, the weather has been changeable, with big winds one minute and heavy rain the next. Please remember to forward me any pictures of your recent catches with weights and the lake caught on. These will be placed on our Watford Piscators Website every month on the link below.
Please Contact me with any questions or updates.
Antonio on: 07980 622678
Head Water keeper
Thank you
PERCH: Autumn/Winter is here/nearly here and traditionally the best time of the year for Predator Fishing. Following is a simple, back to basics, method for catching Perch: Ledgering for Perch is a highly effective, yet a very simple and basic way of fishing. You don’t really need a lot of gear or finesse in order to be successful. All you need is a feeder or ledger rod, a bankstick and a simple ledger rig, bait, maggots, lobworms or prawns and you are good to go. Cast out your ledger rod, let the rig sink to the bottom, tighten your mainline so that the rod tip will bend slightly, and then rest your rod on your bankstick. Now, all you have to do is wait and keep your eyes on that rod tip. No matter if you’re fishing a lake or a river, start by casting toward features that usually hold Perch. Those can include, Overhanging trees, weeds, reeds and drop-offs (if you can locate them). Actively search for the Perch by casting out frequently and targeting different spots and areas in the water. Retrieve your line in short spurts as this can often entice the Perch to take the bait. Very often, Perch hold up in smaller or larger shoals, which means that, once you start to get a bite or two, chances are you’ll get more. If this the case, remain where you are and keep casting towards that same spot. Let us know how you get on! Tight Lines.
GUEST PERMITS: Guest Permits, as well as from Harefield Tackle, Guest Permits can be purchased from Your Water Management Chairman, Ron Westwood, Mobile: 07445 975001. Please note as per Rule: 13.1 Day Tickets only are available at £10. Day tickets, 24 hour and 48 hour Tickets are available, from the 1st November - 14th March inclusive Each season. See Rule 13 to 13.3 in your Rule Book for full details.
Whatever you decide to this weekend and over the next week, Stay Safe and Stay Well. 🎣🐟🎏
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