UPDATE 1st June:
We hope you are enjoying the weather and of course your fishing! We have had some reports of good catches and some good photos to.
You will have noticed there is to be some relaxing in movement, social gatherings and the opening of various businesses. We have decided at present to maintain our current position regarding fishing our waters and will review the situation the middle of June.
This decision has been made with the safety of all our members and their families in mind. Take Great Care and May the Fish be with you always.
IMPORTANT: Please note, social distancing MUST be maintained at all times on our Complex.
To date it has been noticed that some of our members are NOT adhering to this Rule. We are being monitored on a regular basis by the EA and local council to ensure we are adhering to the government guidelines.
Two local fisheries which opened last Wednesday were closed down until the weekend because of this. If you do not adhere to this rule, You will be asked to leave the Complex, your key and permit confiscated pending a disciplinary hearing.
Remember, once you have your swim, you stay there and only move from your swim to visit the toilet or when you have packed up to move off the Complex. This includes, NO STALKING AND NO WALKING AROUND THE LAKES.
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