General News

Tier 4 updates

December 31, 2020

Hello Each

The latest is we are still in Tier 4. We are lucky, Fishing is one activity that is still allowed. Watching the News though, it looks like we may remain in Tier 4 until at least April.

One piece of good news is that the Oxford Vaccine has been approved, so the process of vaccination could  take place faster.  Due to the possibility of pressure, fishing Our Waters, we may some time down the line have to introduce a booking system to allow those Members who want to a chance to Fish. If it is decided to adopt this course of action you will be notified here on Facebook and on our Website.

WEATHER: The north wind doth blow and we shall have snow? The weather forecasters indicate we may get some snow this coming week, but the only sure thing is, it will be chilly, so make sure you all keep warm and dry in the days ahead.

TOLPITS: Please note,the whole of the Ebury Bank is still closed due to flooding and Health and Safety. We are monitoring the situation and will keep you updated.
Please continue to obey all our Club Rules and those of our Government to ensure the SAFETY of yourself and others.

If you are Fishing our Waters or what ever you decide to do, Take Great Care and have as good a New Year as you can. Let's hope that 2021 is a better year for all!🎣🐟


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